Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center in Windsor, CO

Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye symptoms can affect your ability to work, sleep, drive, exercise, and participate in your hobbies. Chronic dry eye can get worse over time, but dry eye treatments have advanced over the years, and an eye care specialist can offer safe, effective dry eye treatment in Windsor that minimizes or even eliminates uncomfortable dry eye symptoms. If you’re ready to get back to your regular daily routine and get rid of troubling dry eye symptoms, call us at Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center today. Our eye care specialists can determine if you have dry eye disease, find the underlying cause, and provide dry eye treatment that actually works.

Dry Eye Symptoms and Signs

Dry eye disease is actually very common, and occurs when your eyes aren’t able to produce enough tears for adequate lubrication. It causes dry eye symptoms in both eyes, and symptoms may become worse after exposure to bright light, wind, dry air, or smoke. The most common signs and symptoms of dry eye disease include:

  • Itching, scratching, stinging, or burning sensation in the eyes
  • Stringy mucus in and around the eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Redness
  • A feeling like you have something in your eye
  • Trouble wearing contact lenses
  • Trouble driving at night
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye fatigue, eye strain, and tension headaches
  • Vision problems and trouble focusing on a computer screen or printed page

Dry Eye Causes

Dry eye syndrome can occur if your eyes are incapable of producing enough tears, or producing high quality tears. This instability leads to dry eye symptoms that can make it hard to take part in your normal daily activities. The most common dry eye cause is a disruption of the eye’s tear film. The tear film consists of three levels: fatty oils, aqueous liquids, and mucus. The tear film is responsible for keeping your vision sharp, clear, and lubricated, and problems with the tear film can lead to chronic dry eye. The tear film can become disrupted or damaged due to autoimmune disease, hormone changes, inflamed eyelid glands, or allergic eye disease. In rare cases, the cause of dry eye symptoms is decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation due to aging, side effects of medication, corneal nerve desensitivity, posterior blepharitis, eyelid problems, allergies, decreased blinking, reaction to topical eye drops, vitamin A deficiency, or prolonged or continuing exposure to dry air, wind, or smoke. An eye doctor, eye specialist, or ophthalmologist can provide a diagnosis of dry eye syndrome and provide effective dry eye treatment.

Dry Eye Treatment

When you visit our eye doctors at Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center, we will do a full vision and eye health exam to confirm your symptoms and provide an official diagnosis of dry eye disease. We will then recommend a specific course of action for you to follow at home and work, and a safe, effective dry eye treatment tailored to your symptoms, daily routine, and lifestyle. Your eye doctor can treat the underlying cause of your dry eye disease with medications, including:

  • Medication to relieve eyelid inflammation
  • Eye drops to control inflammation
  • Eye inserts that work like artificial tears
  • Medication that stimulates tears
  • Nasal spray that increases tear production

For severe cases of dry eye disease, or if the above dry eye treatments are ineffective, your eye doctor may recommend:

  • Plugging your tear ducts to minimize tear loss
  • Wearing specialized contact lenses
  • Unblocking your eye’s oil glands
  • Light therapy and eyelid massage

Prevention of Dry Eye Syndrome

You can prevent dry eye symptoms from occurring or worsening by:

  • Avoiding exposure to harsh or constant wind, hot air, or dry air blowing in your eyes
  • Using a humidifier to add moisture into the air, especially when sleeping or using a furnace, heater, or space heater
  • Take screen breaks when working at a computer or reading for long periods of time
  • Avoiding smoke
  • Using eye drops or artificial tears regularly

Dry Eye Technology

Sophisticated technological advancements in dry eye treatment have made it increasingly easier to diagnose, treat, and prevent dry eye disease. When you visit your eye doctor, he may recommend one of these new advancements in dry eye technology:

  • InflammaDry
  • Punctal Plugs
  • Restasis
  • Advanced Prescription Eye Drops
  • Bruder Masks

Why Choose Us?

At Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center, Dr. Brent Phinney, O.D., and Dr. Emerald Smith, O.D., have decades of experience in diagnosing and treating dry eye disease. We stay on top of the latest dry eye treatments to ensure our patients only receive the safest and most effective treatments for dry eye syndrome. We can quickly determine the underlying cause of your dry eye symptoms so you can get the treatment you need to get back to your normal life.

Call Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center in Windsor, CO

If you’re interested in learning more about our safe, effective dry eye treatment in Windsor, call us today at Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center. We can quickly diagnose your dry eye syndrome, and provide swift relief for dry eye symptoms like itchiness, scratchiness, redness, inflammation, excessive tearing, stinging, light sensitivity, and difficulty driving. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with one of our dry eye specialists, call us today or request an appointment online.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance quality of life by improving eye health and vision through compassionate care, using state-of-the-art technology, and with exceptional patient service.

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